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Subiecte titularizare educatori 2024: Modele de teste REZOLVATE Subiecte titularizare invatatori 2024: Modele de teste REZOLVATE Subiecte titularizare engleza 2024: Modele de teste REZOLVATE Subiecte titularizare educatie fizica si sport 2024: Modele de teste REZOLVATE Subiecte titularizare limba si literatura romana: Modele de teste REZOLVATE 2024 Subiecte titularizare religie ortodoxa 2024: Modele de teste REZOLVATE Subiecte titularizare matematica 2024 - Profesori: Modele de teste REZOLVATE Subiecte titularizare biologie: Modele de teste REZOLVATE 2024 Subiecte titularizare Geografie 2024: Modele de teste REZOLVATE Subiecte titularizare istorie: Modele de teste REZOLVATE 2024 Subiecte titularizare Educatie Muzicala si Educatie Muzicala Specializata: Modele oficiale de teste EDU Subiecte titularizare psihopedagogie speciala 2024: Modele de teste REZOLVATE Subiecte titularizare Educatie sociala 2024: Modele de teste REZOLVATE Subiecte titularizare franceza: Modele de teste REZOLVATE Subiecte titularizare Arte Vizuale (Educatie plastica, Educatie vizuala, Educatie artistica ): Modele de teste REZOLVATE Subiecte titularizare Consiliere Psihopedagogica: Modele de teste REZOLVATE Subiecte titularizare Chimie: Modele de teste oficiale EDU Subiecte titularizare Economie: Modele de teste oficiale EDU Subiecte titularizare Fizica: Modele de teste EDU Subiecte titularizare Informatica si tehnologia informatiei: Modele de teste EDU Subiecte titularizare Limba germana moderna: Modele de teste EDU Subiecte titularizare Educatie fizica si Sport - Antrenori. Modele de teste EDU Subiecte titularizare Filosofie si logica, argumentare si comunicare: Model de test EDU Subiecte titularizare Psihologie: Model de test EDU Subiecte titularizare Economic, administrativ, posta: Model de test EDU Subiecte titularizare Kinetoterapie: Model de test EDU Subiecte titularizare Limba si literatura latina: Model de test EDU Subiecte titularizare Limba si literatura spaniola: Model de test EDU Subiecte titularizare Mecanica: Model de test EDU Subiecte titularizare Protectia mediului Profesori: Model de test EDU Subiecte rezolvate metodica titularizare matematica - Invatatori 2024 Subiecte titularizare Comert Profesori: Model de test EDU Subiecte titularizare Turism - Maistri instructori: Model de test EDU Subiecte titularizare Alimentatie publica Profesori: Model de test EDU Subiecte titularizare Asistenta medicala generala - Maistri instructori: Model de test EDU Subiecte titularizare Sociologie: Modele de teste EDU Subiecte titularizare Turism si Servicii: Model de test EDU Subiecte titularizare educatori-puericultori 2024: Modele de teste REZOLVATE
Programa Titularizare Educatori-Puericultori CRESA 2024 Programa titularizare pentru educatori 2024 Programa titularizare pentru invatatori 2024 Programa titularizare Limba si literatura engleza 2024 Programa titularizare Educatie fizica si sport 2024 - PROFESORI Programa titularizare Limba si literatura romana 2024 Metodologie Titularizare 2024-2025: Capitolul I Metodologie Titularizare 2024-2025: Capitolul II ANEXA NR. 2 Metodologie Titularizare 2024 – 2025 Metodologie Titularizare 2024-2025: Capitolul III Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025: Capitolul IV Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025: Capitolul V Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025: Capitolul VI Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025: Capitolul VII Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025: Capitolul VIII - Cum se calculeaza media la titularizare Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025: Capitolul IX Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025: Capitolul X Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025: Capitolul XI Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025: Capitolul XII Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025: Capitolul XIII Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025: Capitolul XIV Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025: Capitolul XV ANEXA NR. 1 Metodologie Titularizare 2024 – 2025 ANEXA NR. 3 Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025 ANEXA NR. 4 Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025 ANEXA NR. 5 Metodologie Titularizare 2024-2025 ANEXA NR. 6 Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025 ANEXA NR. 7 Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025 ANEXA NR. 8 Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025 ANEXA NR. 9 Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025 ANEXA NR. 10 Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025 ANEXA NR. 11 Metodologie Titularizare 2024-2025 ANEXA NR. 12 Metodologie Titularizare 2024-2025 ANEXA NR. 13 Metodologie Titularizare 2024-2025 ANEXA NR. 14 Metodologie Titularizare 2024-2025: Modele de cereri ANEXA NR. 15 Metodologie Titularizare 2024-2025 ANEXA NR. 16 Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025 ANEXA NR. 17 Metodologie Titularizare 2024 - 2025 ANEXA NR. 18 Metodologie Titularizare 2024-2025 Calendar Titularizare 2024-2025: ANEXA NR. 19 la Metodologie ANEXA NR. 20 Metodologie Titularizare 2024-2025 Programa titularizare Religie ortodoxa 2024 Programa titularizare Matematica 2024 Programa titularizare Biologie 2024 Programa titularizare Geografie 2024 Programa titularizare Istorie 2024 Programa titularizare Educatie muzicala si Educatie muzicala specializata 2024 Programa titularizare Psihopedagogie speciala 2024 Programa titularizare Educatie sociala 2024 Programa titularizare Limba si Literatura Franceza 2024 Programa titularizare Arte Vizuale 2024: Educatie plastica, Educatie vizuala, Educatie artistica Programa titularizare Consiliere Psihopedagogica 2024 Programa titularizare Chimie 2024 Programa titularizare Economie 2024 Programa titularizare Fizica 2024 Programa titularizare Informatica si tehnologia informatiei 2024 Programa titularizare Limba germana 2024 Programa titularizare Educatie fizica si sport - Antrenori 2024 Programa titularizare Filosofie si logica, argumentare si comunicare Programa titularizare Psihologie 2024 Programa titularizare Economic, administrativ, posta 2024 Programa titularizare Kinetoterapie 2024 Programa titularizare Limba si literatura latina 2024 Programa titularizare Limba si literatura spaniola 2024 Programa titularizare Mecanica 2024 - Profesori Programa titularizare Protectia Mediului 2024 - Pofesori Programa titularizare Comert Profesori 2024 Programa titularizare Turism - Maistri instructori 2024 Programa titularizare Alimentatie Publica - Profesori 2024 Programa titularizare Asistenta medicala generala 2024 - Maistri Instructori Programa titularizare Sociologie 2024 Programa titularizare Turism si servicii - Profesori 2024 Inscriere Titularizare 2024: Acte Necesare

Subiecte titularizare engleza 2024: Modele de teste REZOLVATE

Model de subiect [REZOLVAT] pentru examenul de titularizare din 2024: Limba si Literatura engleza Profesori

SUBIECTUL I (30 de puncte) 

Consider the following text: 

   One evening as I was lying flat on the deck of my steamboat, I heard voices approaching – and there were the nephew and the uncle strolling along the bank. I laid my head on my arm again, and had nearly lost myself in a doze, when somebody said in my ear, as it were: “I am as harmless as a little child, but I don’t like to be dictated to. Am I the manager – or am I not? I was ordered to send him there. It’s incredible.” … I became aware that the two were standing on the shore alongside the forepart of the steamboat, just below my head. I did not move; it did not occur to me to move: I was sleepy. “It IS unpleasant,” grunted the uncle. “He has asked the Administration to be sent there”, said the other, “with the idea of showing what he could do; and I was instructed accordingly. Look at the influence that man must have.
Is it not frightful?” They both agreed it was frightful, then made several bizarre remarks: “Make rain and fine weather – one man – the Council – by the nose” – bits of absurd sentences that got the better of my drowsiness, so that I had pretty near the whole of my wits about me when the uncle said, “The climate may do away with this difficulty for you. Is he alone there?” “Yes”, answered the manager; “he sent his assistant down the river with a note to me in these terms: “Clear this poor devil out of the country, and don’t bother sending more of that sort. I had rather be alone than have the kind of men you can dispose of with me.” It was more than a year ago. Can you imagine such impudence!” “Anything since then?” asked the other hoarsely. “Ivory”, jerked the nephew; “lots of it – prime sort – lots – most annoying, from him.” “And with that?” questioned the heavy rumble. “Invoice”, was the reply fired
out, so to speak. Then silence. They had been talking about Kurtz.
   I was broad awake by this time, but, lying perfectly at ease, remained still, having no inducement to change my position. “How did that ivory come all this way?” growled the elder man, who seemed very vexed. The other explained that it had come with a fleet of canoes in charge of an English half-caste clerk Kurtz had with him; that Kurtz had apparently intended to return himself, the station being by that time bare of goods and stores, but after coming three hundred miles, had suddenly decided to go back, which he started to do alone in a small dugout with four paddlers, leaving the half-caste to continue down the river with the ivory. The two fellows there seemed astounded at anybody attempting such a thing. They were at a loss for an adequate motive. As to me, I seemed to see Kurtz for the first time. It was a distinct glimpse: the dugout, four paddling savages, and the lone white man turning his back suddenly on the headquarters, yon relief, on thoughts of home – perhaps; setting his face towards the depths of the wilderness, towards his empty and desolate station. I did not know the motive. Perhaps he was just simply a fine fellow who stuck to his work for its own sake. His name, you understand, had not been pronounced once. He was “that man”.

(Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness) 

a. Contextualize the text from a historical and cultural point of view. (15-20 lines) 10 points
b. Discuss the relevance of the text, in terms of content and style, with reference to its author’s literary canon. (30-40 lines) 20 points 

Modelul de subiect prezentat este extras din lucrarea Teste REZOLVATE de limba si literatura engleza pentru reusita la examenul de titularizare. Asigurati-va reusita la Examenul de titularizare din 2024! Click AICI pentru detalii si comenzi.   

SUBIECTUL al II-lea (30 de puncte) 

a. Specify and illustrate five ways of expressing purpose. 10 points

b. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not alter the word in any way. You must use between three and six words, including the word given. 10 points

1. This bridge will take us three years to complete. COMPLETED
In three years' time ....................................................................................................... this bridge.

2. When is the bus due to arrive? SUPPOSED
What ............................................................................................................ get here?

3. Today is Clara and Tom's thirtieth wedding anniversary. AGO
On this .............................................................................. Clara and Tom got married.

4. To get to work on time, I have to get up at 6.30. MEANS
Getting to work on time ................................................................................. at 6.30.

5. Whose jacket is this? BELONG
Who .................................................................................... to?

c. Write one word in each gap. 10 points

The history of chess goes (1) _________ many years, decades and even centuries! But who really invented the game we all love? (2) ________ was the origin of this famous mental exercise many millions of people play? Chess is (3) ___________ the world over, played by numerous fans, but its roots and origins are not clear and are (4) __________ debatable. There are a variety of legends, stories, and plain guesses, starting from a dispute over where it came from and (5) _________ with when chess began. (6) ___________ , most people can agree that there was not just one individual (7) __________ invented the established game because it is far too complex with all its rules and concepts for any single simple human mind to have created. (8) ___________ Wilhelm Steinitz became the first official World Chess Champion in 1886, the game of chess was in a steady flux. It was a game we (9) __________ well have difficulty recognizing when we think about today’s chess:
(10) _________ a game dominated by intuitive decision-making, to a fight between chess engines. 


Vezi sugestiile de rezolvari mai jos. ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ 

SUBIECTUL al III-lea (30 de puncte) 

a. 12 points
Based on the text from SUBJECT 1, devise an after-reading activity:
→ specify the objective(s) 2 points
→ specify the estimated time 1 point
→ indicate the level of your students 1 point
→ describe the activity 6 points
→ language accuracy and vocabulary 2 points

b. 18 points
Devise three exercises, two based on two types of “indirect” items (five items per each exercise) designed to measure students’ ability to express necessity/lack of necessity and one based on a direct item to measure students’ ability to express opinion. 3 exercises x 6 points
→  Content 2 points
→  Specify the students’ level 1 point
→  Mention the learning objective(s) 1 point
→  Provide the answer key 1 point
→  Language accuracy and vocabulary 1 point


Modelul de subiect prezentat este extras din lucrarea Teste REZOLVATE de limba si literatura engleza pentru reusita la examenul de titularizare. Asigurati-va reusita la Examenul de titularizare din 2024! Click AICI pentru detalii si comenzi.   


SUGESTII DE REZOLVARI: Model de subiect pentru examenul de titularizare pentru Limba si Literatura Engleza - Profesori 


a. 10 points 
Reference (Keep in mind that this is only an example; you might have other ideas and opinions) 

   “Heart of Darkness” was written in modernism. Modernism was a literary movement that lasted approximately from 1914 to 1950. Modernists broke the traditional writing styles that we know today.
During this literay era, artists began to create and develop their own individual styles. New technology and the horrifying events of both World Wars (but specifically World War 1) made many people wonder if there was any future for the humanity: what was becoming of the world?. Writers reacted to this question by turning toward modernist sentiments. While the romantic period focused on nature and being, the modernist fiction spoke of the inner self and consciousness. Instead of progress, the modernist writer saw a decline of civilization. Instead of new technology, the modernist writer saw cold machinery and increased capitalism, which alienated the individual and led to loneliness. To achieve the feelings described above, most modernist fiction was written in first person. Whereas earlier, most literature had a clear beginning, middle, and end (or introduction, conflict, and resolution), the modernist story was often more of a stream of consciousness, creating the feeling that the story is going nowhere. Irony, satire, and comparisons were often employed to point out society’s ills. 

b. 20 points
Reference (Keep in mind that this is only an example; you might have other ideas and opinions)

   “Heart of Darkness” was partly based on Conrad’s four-month command of a Congo River steamboat. The book was written in 1899 but published in 1902 as a novella in Youth: A Narrative with two other
stories. “Heart of Darkness” was understood as a universalist exploration of human interiority – of its corruptibility, its inaccessibility, and the darkness inherent to it. Conrad had learnt about atrocities made by Congo “explorers, and created in the character of Kurtz the embodiment of European imperialism”.
   “Heart of Darkness” is occupying an ever-changing position in the literary canon: no longer as an elucidatory text that reveals the depths of human depravity, but as an artifact that is the product of such depravity and which reproduces it in its own right. Conrad’s vision and style also drawn fierce criticism. He was described as a “bloody racist” because he did little to dismantle the racism that supported such a system, although he rebuked the evils of colonialism.
   Feminist discourse has offered similar critiques, that Conrad has treated his female characters similar to the way he’s done so with his African ones. Women are deployed not as multidimensional beings, but as signifiers undistinguished from the field of other signifiers that make up the text. The women in Conrad’s ”Heart of Darkness” are neither interiorized, nor named – a rhetorical strategy that seems less about Conrad illustrating the failures of language than it does about him privileging his masculine voice above any possible feminine ones.

SUBIECTUL al II-lea (30 de puncte)

a. 10 points
Expressing Purpose:
1. to + infinitive
eg. I need a chair to sit down.
2. so as not to + infinitive
eg. I’ll take a taxi so as not to be late.
3. so that + subject + can
eg. I got a visa so that I can travel to Russia.
4. in order to + infinitive
eg. She listens to the radio in order to improve her listening skills.
5. for + verb +ing
eg. He uses this tool for weeding. 

b. 10 points
1. we will have completed
2. time is the bus supposed to
3. day 30 years ago
4. means getting up
5. does this jacket belong

c. 10 points
1. back
2. What
3. known
4. highly
5. ending
6. However
7. who
8. Until
9. could
10. from 

Sugestiile de rezolvari prezentate sunt extrase din lucrarea  Teste REZOLVATE de limba si literatura engleza pentru reusita la examenul de titularizare. Asigurati-va reusita la Examenul de titularizare din 2024! Click AICI pentru detalii si comenzi.    

SUBIECTUL al III-lea (30 de puncte)

a. Reference (Keep in mind that this is only an example; you might have other ideas and opinions) 

Activity: True or False Sentences
Objectives: By the end of the activity, the students will be able to understand the text they read.
Studentslevel: B1-B2 

Stages/ProceduresTime Limita. Teacher presents the topic and the title of the reading, and asks the students to read the text. 10b. Teacher asks the students if there are any new words, or words they dont know. Then, the teacher explain the new/unknown words.7c. Teacher gives the students a worksheet with some True or False sentences, asks the students to read them, and decide if they are True or False.10d. Teacher checks the answers and clarifies the doubts.10


Exercise 1

Objectives: By the end of the activity, the students will be able to express necessity/lack of necessity and use the modal verbs correctly.
Students’ level: B1-B2
Task: Underline the correct answer A, B or C to fill the spaces in 1-5. 

1. We ______________ wear a tie.
a. don’t have to
b. mustn’t
c. can’t

2. I _____________ get some sleep.
a. ought to
b. have to
c. might

3. They ___________ book in advance if they want a room with sea view.
a. must 
b. should
c. need to

4. You _______________ tell lies to your mom.
a. don’t need to
b. mustn’t
c. can’t

5. Mary ______________ find a job.
a. ought to
b. has got to
c. might

Answer key:
1. don’t have to
2. have to
3. need to
4. mustn’t
5. has got to 

Exercise 2 

Objectives: By the end of the activity, the students will be able to express necessity/lack of necessity and use have to/has to/had to correctly.
Students’ level: B1-B2
Task: Complete the sentences using have to/has to/had to. 

1. Tom starts work at 8 a.m. ……………………………………….. at six. (he/get up)
2. ‘My sister broke her leg last week.’ ‘……………………………………… to the hospital?’
3. ‘I’m afraid Bill can’t stay long.’ ‘What time ……………………………..?’ (he/go)
4. There was nobody to help Jenny. ………………………… everything by herself. (she/do)
5. Brian can’t stay for the whole meeting. …………………………. early. (he/leave) 

Answer key: 
1. He has to get up
2. Did she have to go
3. does he have to go
4. She had to do
5. He has to leave

Exercise 3

Objectives: By the end of the activity, the students will be able to organize their ideas and express their opinions about a given topic in writing.
Students’ level: B1-B2
Task: “Modern machines and equipment lead to a decreased number of manual labour”. What is your opinion? 

Answer key:
   It is believed that modern machines and equipment lead to a decreased number of manual labour and leave people without their jobs. However, I don’t think this is really true. In my opinion, new technology has increased the number of working hours and created more jobs for people.
   First of all, modern technology such as the internet allows people to work from home as well. For instance, nowadays, people can check their emails, use Windows office and other apps on their own computers, laptops or even smart phones, and so they can do some of their work at home. Moreover, they can also send an urgent email from their phone, on the way to the office, or during lunch break.
   Secondly, the new technology opens up a world of opportunities in the services sector. These days, a great number of opportunities has been created for people to work online offering different services to people all over the world, from online product sale and delivery systems to vlog/blog services. For example, there are people using the internet to offer Translation services to online magazines from different corners of the world.
   In conclusion, I strongly believe that modern technology won’t let people without jobs, but will offer them more opportunities and new ways to make money. Modern technology has allowed people to do their job from home which I see it as a great advantage. And I believe that this is only the beginning. 

Sugestiile de rezolvari prezentate sunt extrase din lucrarea  Teste REZOLVATE de limba si literatura engleza pentru reusita la examenul de titularizare. Asigurati-va reusita la Examenul de titularizare din 2024! Click AICI pentru detalii si comenzi.    


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